Our Blog
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Dive into our blog to read heartfelt experiences, helpful guides, and updates on our mission. Find out how you can donate to support our cause and join us in building a stronger, more compassionate community.
Do Good Anyway. So…how do I do that?
“The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyway.” – Mother Teresa There are so many ways to help those around us. It often feels good to give. But how are we sure that what we are doing is helping? And where do we start? These are questions the...
Help is on the Way!
We are all aware of the recent hurricane in Texas and the threat of another catastrophic hurricane which is approaching Florida. People are hurting and are in need of our help. These types of disasters can overwhelm us to the point where we feel like we are unable to...
Mission 1:11 House Preparation
Preparations for the new mission house in Haiti began October 2017. Various projects were completed at the house. Construction, painting, cleaning, welding, building projects and cleanup were just a few of the many things accomplished at the house. The house will be...