Education & Training
We believe in developing transformational leaders who will impact their community, country, and future generations. That’s why we are dedicated to providing education and training. We offer various programs in Haiti and the Philippines.
Educational Sponsorship
Resources and support for teachers and students to thrive in schools.
Starfish Scholarship Program
Mentorship and support for young individuals as they navigate the process of pursuing higher education at universities.
TAP (Trade Apprenticeship Program)
Providing young people spiritual guidance and practical skills development through trade training, including sewing, English, computer essentials, and screen printing.
Medical Training & Classes
Aimed at enhancing overall well-being.
Leadership Training
Conducting monthly leadership training sessions for pastors and leaders with whom we collaborate.
In a world where many people don’t have enough food to eat, Mission 1:11 is dedicated to making a difference. We believe that everyone, regardless of their circumstances, deserve access to proper nutrition and the opportunity to recognize their value to God.
Through our various nutrition programs, we strive to ease hunger and provide hope to those in need, whether they are in Haiti, the Philippines, or right here in our local communities. These programs include providing breakfast for the homeless people, distributing rice and beans, offering peanut butter to children in need, and serving hot meals to school children who may otherwise go without food, and supplying children in these countries with chewable vitamins.
All of this shows how committed we are to fighting hunger, offering hope, and letting individuals know that they matter to God.
As healthcare providers, we try to understand and respect people where they are in their lives. We are immersed in their cultures and languages to provide communities with access to healthcare that makes sense for them. This definition of healthcare is comprehensive. It can mean establishing clinics for care with continued follow-up provided by local healthcare workers, who are in a better position to administer care long term.
Our vision includes providing preventive and maintenance care to local communities and our children’s home. We provide prenatal care, grief resources, medical evaluations, medications, transportation for care, telemedicine visits when we cannot be there in person, and training communities to take care of those in need.
“For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?’ And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.”
Matthew 25:35–40
Trade Apprenticeship Program
A Tap-Tap is a form of public transportation used in Haiti, taking people to their desired destination. This program is designed to partner with young individuals in the community, to train, empower, and mentor them so they can reach and fulfill their God-given purpose (destination).
Like different Tap-Tap styles, we want young individuals to know they are unique, created by God, and have value. Whether they go to a university or focus on a specific skill, their journey is meaningful.

Partner with us by sponsoring a student in our program. A contribution of $300 per year funds a student’s spiritual mentorship and skill training, impacting their future positively!
Before I made you in your mother’s womb, I chose you. Before you were born, I set you apart for a special work…
Jeremiah 1:5 (ICB)
R.E.A.C.H. with Mission 1:11
Mission 1:11 sponsors 140 children in Haiti and the Philippines through our R.E.A.C.H program. Through R.E.A.C.H., students are provided the opportunity for sponsorships and provide the support necessary to carry on this vital mission.

Supporting Education Empowers People

Cannot School
Cannot School is tucked back in the mountains of Haiti, about 15 minutes outside of the town of MacDonald. In 2017 a Canadian Missionary, named Barb, started the school. Through your partnership, we sponsors 80 children at the school. When the program started, the staff taught kindergarten through third grade and provided one hot meal per week. In four years, an additional grade was added, a new building was built and four meals per week were added. The 80 students at the school are hand-picked by the principal as being the “neediest” in the community, and who would otherwise not have an education.
MacDonald School
MacDonald school is located in St. Marc about 2 hours from Port-au-Prince. The town of MacDonald has approximately 10,000 residents and the school currently has 500 students. This school has received little support from the government and currently receives no support. The community has given some support but as of recently all support has ceased because of social and economic issues. In 2020, a student sponsorship program was created and 30 children are currently sponsored. The sponsorship pays for tuition, books, and uniforms. In 2022, due to social and political unrest community financial support ceased. After learning the teachers had not been paid for months we decided to create a sponsorship program for teachers. At the MacDonald School, there are 5 full time and 7 part time teachers, 14 teachers aids, and 1 janitor. Our goal is to secure financial support which will be used for teachers/staff salaries, computers, books and other resource materials.
MacDonald School
MacDonald school is located in St. Marc about 2 hours from Port-au-Prince. The town of MacDonald has approximately 10,000 residents and the school currently has 500 students. This school has received little support from the government and currently receives no support. The community has given some support but as of recently all support has ceased because of social and economic issues. In 2020, a student sponsorship program was created and 30 children are currently sponsored. The sponsorship pays for tuition, books, and uniforms. In 2022, due to social and political unrest community financial support ceased. After learning the teachers had not been paid for months we decided to create a sponsorship program for teachers. At the MacDonald School, there are 5 full time and 7 part time teachers, 14 teachers aids, and 1 janitor. Our goal is to secure financial support which will be used for teachers/staff salaries, computers, books and other resource materials.
Philippine School
Canaanite Faith Church is located in Bulacan, approximately one hour from the capital of Manila, in the region of Central Luzon, with a highly concentrated population of 3,708,890 people. Mission 1:11 in Bulacan currently supports 30 students. The students attend different schools, in this municipality, within the range of primary to secondary education, including one college student. This sponsorship program focuses connecting with children in their community while encouraging and equipping parents. It provides financial support to aide in the children’s educations, a weekly feeding program and building projects.
What does R.E.A.C.H. stand for?

“If you are planning for a year, sow rice; If you are planning for a decade, plant trees;
if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people.”